
All claims in ads must be adequately substantiated. Ads must not offend users. Ads and any offers promoted within ads must not be false, deceptive or misleading or contain spam and must be current. Ads must not contain or promote illegal products or services. Ads must not violate the rights of any third parties. All advertised products, prices, offers, and discounts must be available within two clicks from your landing page, or through a basic search on your site.

This is not an exhaustive list and is intended to provide general guidance. You may need to comply with region specific requirements as required by us from time to time. Nativv reserves the right to update these guidelines from time to time. Your continued usage of our network/services pursuant to such changes shall be deemed to be your acceptance of the updated terms. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with some examples of prohibited/restricted content:

Obscenity and sexual material
Alcohol & Tobacco (as per specific country law and regulations)
Anti or Hateful Speech
Illegal drugs, and herbal drugs (as per specific country law and regulations)
Gambling (as per specific country law and regulations)
Content promoting Weapons.
Nativv reserves the right to summarily remove any content, which in its reasonable determination does not comply with these guidelines or is otherwise illegal or objectionable in any way, without incurring liability. As we may change our policies at any time, please check here often for updates.

Ad Behavioural Policy
To ensure an optimal user experience, Nativv requires that clicking on an ad should not lead to unexpected and unwanted device behavior like

Keyboard getting locked/freezing the device/ the device going on standby mode etc.
Distribution of Adware and Malware (domain hosting adware or malware)
Blank creative/ appears with error content / disappears when clicked
Blank LP /broken page / creative not clickable / no close button / Creative LP mismatch